ShiSheng's AOSP Project - cmi(Xiaomi 10 Pro)

AOSP(Sudoerz's Mod)

Now we provided [] for faster download experience.

We will only provide download service for the last two versions of the ROM Pack on [].

All historical versions available on [ShiSheng's Drive].

Due to financial issues, we stopped to provide download service on [ShiSheng's ROM Download Station].

SudoerzMod_cmi_v12_cmi-userdebug-12.1-SP2A.220505.002-20220603.233049 Experimental


Because this is a major version update, you need to clear all data before flashing (aka. clean flash).

The SELinux status is permissive due to the release is experimental.

Firmware version is MIUI 12.5.10

Update log

SudoerzMod_cmi_v8-userdebug-12-SQ1D.220205.003-20220220.014954 Experimental


The SELinux status is permissive due to the release is experimental.

Firmware version is MIUI 12.5.10

Update log

SudoerzMod_cmi_v7-userdebug-12-SQ1D.220105.007-20220209.165827 Experimental


The SELinux status is permissive due to the release is experimental.

Firmware version is MIUI 12.5.10

Update log

SudoerzMod_cmi_v6-userdebug-12-SQ1D.220105.007-20220126.172817 Experimental


The SELinux status is permissive due to the release is experimental.

Firmware version is MIUI 12.5.10

Update log

SudoerzMod_cmi-userdebug-12-SQ1D.220105.007-20220125.020516 Experimental


The SELinux status is permissive due to the release is experimental.

Firmware version is MIUI 12.5.10

Update log

SudoerzMod_cmi-userdebug-12-SQ1D.211205.017-20220122.124442 Experimental


The SELinux status is permissive due to the release is experimental.

Firmware version is MIUI 12.5.10


Check it out on my Coolapk posts.